In recent years, Ethiopian journalism has faced significant challenges due to the widespread dissemination of disinformation and hate speech. This troubling trend has undermined social cohesion, promoted conflict, and posed growing threats to journalists and human rights defenders. However, a promising initiative by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) aims to counter these issues through comprehensive fact-checking training for Ethiopian journalists.
Journalists in Ethiopia are essential in informing citizens and shaping public opinion. Yet, the lack of practical fact-checking skills has often hampered their ability to combat the influx of false information. In response, CIPESA organized a workshop in May 2024 for 20 Ethiopian journalists in Addis Ababa, focusing on fact-checking and ethical reporting.
Two months after the workshop, its impact is becoming evident. Kirubel Tesfaye, an expert who conducted the training, highlighted its significance. “The fact-checking and verification training was crucial for Ethiopian journalists and content producers, as it provided them with valuable tools to combat daily misinformation and produce reliable news stories,” he said. The training equipped participants with the latest tools in the industry, enabling them to produce credible and trustworthy news.
Ethiopia has seen a surge in disinformation over the past five years, particularly fueled by ongoing armed conflicts. By equipping journalists with fact-checking skills, they can act as gatekeepers of truth, ensuring accurate information reaches the public. Selam Mulugeta, a journalism lecturer at Addis Ababa University who attended the training, emphasized the importance of recognizing disinformation across different platforms. She noted that the knowledge gained would help reduce the amount of false information in the public domain, thereby lessening its harmful effects.
Konjit Zewdie of NBC TV stressed the need for more practical fact-checking workshops, given the shortage of such skills among journalists amidst the flood of illegal and harmful content, including hate speech. She highlighted that the training provided journalists with alternative ways to verify information, even when official sources were inaccessible.
Kirubel Tesfaye further elaborated on the training’s comprehensive nature, covering topics from basic to advanced fact-checking techniques. Participants gained insights into the motivations behind disinformation, the actors involved, and the tactics they use. The training also identified prevalent disinformation trends in Ethiopia and provided practical tools to combat them effectively.
Building on a previous training session held in November 2023, which educated 21 Ethiopian journalists, bloggers, and activists on navigating laws related to hate speech and disinformation, the May 2024 workshop represents a significant step forward. According to Mulugeta, honing fact-checking skills allows journalists to deliver accurate information and fulfill their role as the public’s mouthpieces. Additionally, journalists and content creators become more responsible and accountable, contributing to media literacy among the general population.
Tiblets Tesfaye, a senior journalist with Wazema Media, praised the training for enhancing journalists’ ability to identify and correct misinformation, fostering a culture of accuracy and ethical reporting. She also noted the importance of extending such training to regional cities to maximize its benefits, particularly since many social media influencers are based in Addis Ababa.
In conclusion, the fact-checking training organized by CIPESA holds great promise for reinforcing the integrity and credibility of journalism in Ethiopia. By equipping journalists with essential skills to combat disinformation and hate speech, this initiative supports more reliable and responsible media practices, thereby promoting social cohesion and peacebuilding in the country.
See more about the training focus here
#Ethiopia #Journalism #FactChecking #MediaIntegrity #Disinformation #HateSpeech #MediaTraining #CIPESA #TruthInJournalism #SocialCohesion #Peacebuilding #EthicalReporting #MediaLiteracy #AddisAbaba #JournalistTraining #FightFakeNews
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